The Democrats and Republicans using gerrymandering, games, gimmicks and out right deceit have seized control of our Democratic Republic. The two major parties have targeted the individual primary elections in the 50 states and 6 territories to cover their thefts! Therefore the 28th Amendment’s mission is to retake control of our Republic and forever preserve the forthcoming National Open Primary in our irreplaceable Constitution of the United States of America!

“Country before Party!”

The Democratic and Republican National Committees have over the years methodically taken control of our Campaigns and Elections models.

The 10th Amendment, the last of the original Bill of Rights, gives the states the authority to hold elections and elect the representatives they send to Washington D.C.

Nowhere in our Constitution or any of the 27 Amendments does it mention the Democrats or Republicans.

George Washington warned all Americans in his farewell address to our nation that political parties would one day divide us.

We believe George was right, which is why we have taken action, but we desperately need your help!

The 28th Amendment will preserve in our Constitution a National Open Primary Election, whereby only the two top vote recipients would face off in the General Election, no matter what political party they belong to!

When the 28th Amendment is ratified, it will also address campaign reforms, term limits for Congress and the evils of Dark Money in our elections. Oh, and it will finally eliminate Citizen’s United forever!

The first thing you can do to help us in our very long quest is to ask you to please keep reading and learning all you can regarding our outdated campaign and election models currently in play and why be believe a National Open Primary would fix many of our national problems!

“We The People” of the United States of America a long, long time ago were in control our Democratic Republic. Sadly, today we all know it’s been hijacked by the rich and powerful and their conjoined lobbyists. But we still have the power to change that. Country over party!

Principle: The proposed 28th Amendment has been developed with the principle that all 50 states and US territories elect their own Congressional Representatives and US Senators and cast their Electoral College votes for President just as our Founding Fathers intended.  That will not change. What will change is that every individual American within each state and territory will have equal opportunity to vote and to run for public office and have an equal opportunity to win or lose in every taxpayer funded primary or general election, no matter what political private party they may or may not belong to, i.e. We the People within each state will decide who represents us in Washington, not two private clubs we may or may not belong too!

The 28th Amendment (Proposed – Starting Point)
Campaign Reform

• Eliminate / Outlaw All Political Super-pacs

• Make All Political Contributions From All Sources “Transparent”

• Establish Limits On Corporate Political And Campaign Contributions

• Establish Limits On Individual And Family Campaign Contributions

• Set Realistic Time Limits For Campaign Seasons

• Eliminate All “Foreign” Corporate & Personal Campaign Contributions

• Eliminate Citizens United and Define People As Human Beings And Corporations As Business Entities

National Election Reform

• Require All 50 States & US participate in an “National Open Primary Election(s)” op two “open primary” vote recipients (no matter what political party they may represent) will participate in the General Election(s), ensuring a majority vote win in each race for the House of Representatives, the Senate & for President

• Political parties may hold as many self-funded pre-primary elections as they desire

• National Open Primary and General Elections will be held on Saturdays and on the same date in all states and territories

• The electoral college will have 435 votes, one from each congressional district the winner must receive 218 votes to be elected President

• Political Party Gerrymandering will be outlawed and the use of algorithms by states or territories to establish congressional boundaries will also be illegal

• Allocation of congressional districts between the states and territories will be establish based upon the US Census and each state must design their districts ensuring the greatest representation of the people without inputting the residents’ political party (no more gerrymandering)

• Develop term limits for the US House of Representatives and the US Senate


• Should a judicial conflict(s) be encountered, directly or indirectly, with the 10th Amendment or any other amendment, the 28th Amendment would prevail

• Minimum National Standards For Voter Registration and Vote Casting (will be developed) Which Ensures Maximum Participation In Every Election

John McCain and John Lewis

This plan to amend our US Constitution is in memory of two great American heroes! Two gentlemen who were from two different political parties and different ethnic backgrounds yet shared a similar vision for what our nation could and should be! Neither man ever put himself above our nation’s best interest or the institutions that bind our republic. Men who were born and raised in different regions of our nation during a time of conflict, systemic racism and war and whom both fought and bled for our nation in an attempt to help heal it. One man fought on a bloody segregated bridge in Selma, Alabama in 1965 and the other who spent over five years being tortured in the Hanoi Hilton, Vietnam. Both gentlemen represent what it means to be an American!

The late John Lewis and John McCain both devoted their entire adult lives to our nation. While they had their political differences, they shared a love and devotion for our country as most Americans do. Sadly, these American heroes are no longer with us, but historians can and should keep their memories alive. And if the families of these two great Americans give us their permission, the 28th Amendment shall also be known if ratified as the “Lewis – McCain Amendment”! Americans will never truly be equal or united until our votes are counted equally. We believe if these two great Americans were still with us, they would champion the grassroots effort to amend our US Constitution.

Final Amendment:

The final terms & conditions of the 28th Amendment will be voted on by the membership of the 28th Amendment Foundation at the appropriate time and it will no doubt differ from today’s draft. No, it will not be a perfect system, no system is, but it will be a substantial improvement compared to our flawed outdated campaign & election models currently being used across our republic today. And it will neuter the Citizen’s United Supreme Court decision of 2010. In a successful outcome “We the people” will decide the final draft of the 28th Amendment which will be presented to Congress for action. Then two thirds of the states must adopt it to make it a permanent part of our ever-developing experiment in democracy we proudly call our United States of America!

The Petition:

Registered and unregistered voters are invited to sign our on-line Petition showing your approval and support for amending our United States Constitution by adopting the 28th Amendment.

The Personal Pledge:

All Americans 18 years of age and older are asked to sign our online Personal Pledge to not vote for any candidate(s), in any election for congress or the White House, who does not support the 28th Amendment and who has not already signed our candidates’ pledge. 

A Candidates’ Pledge:

This simple pledge is for candidates running for national public office to sign and support. The Candidate Pledge confirms the candidates’ commitment to always support the adoption of the 28th Amendment until it becomes ratified by Congress and the law of our land. It’s similar to the “No New Tax Pledge” almost every Republican member of Congress signed for Grover Norquist in 2012. Our pledge is nonpartisan and benefits all Americans and is what most voters want, no matter the political party they support!  

Summary Statement with US Constitution and American Flag Background

If it’s working, leave it alone. If it’s broken, fix it! The overwhelming majority of Americans today agree our federal government is broken. The time has arrived for our current generation of patriotic Americans to invest the time, energy and resources needed to fix it. It’s not only our right as American Citizens to amend or update our US Constitution; it’s our duty too according to Thomas Jefferson and the other 55 Founding Fathers who boldly signed our Declaration of Independence, which was punishable by death, i.e., “Country First!” Teddy Roosevelt warned all of us a century ago about the corrupt alliance between business and government. And under Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity, we must all be crazy! We keep using the same campaign and election models repeatedly, which most Americans will agree are not working. And guess what we keep getting the same crap every election cycle. Let’s face it, Americans are not all insane; we’re trapped in a non-tenable state of being.  Just as George Washington warned us about in his famous Farwell Address to our Nation! The only truly independent president of the United States of America predicted political parties would someday divide us. It appears to us he got it 100 percent correct. The question now is “What are we going to do to correct it?  Our answer is “Let’s change the broken system and ” Let’s develop and then ratify the 28th  Amendment working together as Americans, no matter what political party you may or may not belong too!

Don’t just believe what we say. Believe what these guys said and use your own common sense.

Thomas Jefferson

…That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should  not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
– Thomas Jefferson

From a historic presidential speech

…“Political parties exists to secure responsible government and to execute the will of the people. From these great tasks both of the old parties have turned aside. Instead of instruments to promote the general welfare they have become the tools of corrupt interests, which use them impartially to serve their selfish purposes. Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics, is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.”
– Theodore Roosevelt

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The Petition

I do hereby give my personal support for the 28th Amendment. National Campaign and Election Reforms.  My personal belief is that our campaign and election models currently being utilized across our Republic today need to be updated and I am in favor of establishing a national open primary election and back the neutering of the Supreme Court’s ridiculous Citizen’s United decision.

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I do hereby pledge to support for as long as it takes to see that the 28th Amendment, National Campaign and Election Reforms is adopted by Congress, ratified by the States and subsequently becomes preserved in our US Constitution!

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The Pledge

I do hereby pledge to not vote for any candidate in any primary or general election for a member of the US Congress or the Executive Branch of the United States of America who does not support passage and ratifying of the 28th Amendment, National Campaign and Election Reforms. And who has not already signed our “Candidates Pledge.”

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